Sunday, November 17, 2013

In a class, at a school, on an island #1

Carpet time after lunch.  
Activity - Show and Share

Child 1:  Miss, you got a really big nose.
Teacher:  Thank you, Bailey.
Child 1:  It's so big it takes up the whole of your face.
Child 2:  Yeah, it's really big.
Child 3:  Can I see?
Child 4:  I wanna see too.
Teacher:  Would anyone else like to do their Show and Share?


  1. Your poem in the Torres News was awesome hope somebody anybody takes notice Funny how rich white ####s can send killers off the Island hmmmmmmmm dirty you betcha My new rescue bub from Sydney arrives on Thursday :)

    1. Part of me has accepted things the way they are and that I need to carry a big stick when I walk. Pity about Seffy being too scared to walk places without me and my big stick. On a positive note, the dog issue gave, err, gives me an opportunity to try poetry which I don't write and don't really like reading. Enjoy your new family member! Lucky pooch.

  2. Child 3 & 4 need help. If they can't see your really big nose that takes up the whole of your face, is it any wonder children are falling behind....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I will try that again. I am half asleep and grammar and punctuation went out the window. How can I think of their eye health when I have been humiliated? And by five and six years old/year olds (?) I know I have a big nose and can ignore it (except if I cross my eyes) around adults. There is nothing like copping the honesty of young people.
    I reckon they should have a say in governing our country to keep us all honest - reserve a set number of Senate seats for them. Imagine parliament - the politicians would be using 'happy' voices to speak and there would be 'no put downs.' And they'd all have to make 'good choices' or go to 'time out'.

  5. I can't even picture your nose. It can't be that big, even considering my poor eyesight!

  6. My kids say I've got a beak. I say, oh well, your nose grows as you get older, and you've got my genes.

  7. Thank you. I plan to use that next time TK and Sutchy refer to me as Seagull, a word that, when applied to me, causes them to double over with laughter??????
