Thursday, January 22, 2015

Oh, the shame, the shame!

How it hurt when I walked into Dad's room to get something. Seven years in the making and My Island Homicide ends up as a support for a thirty year-old Bonair.  Not even a full support, but a part of one. Mind you, MIH was in good company - The Golden Ratio, Spices of the World and Christmas Island, Indian Ocean and more.
     I partly consoled myself with the story, perhaps literary myth, of Bryce Courtney's manuscript, The Power of One, spending its early years as a doorstop ... till someone suggested he send it to a publisher. Except MIH came from the publisher.  Err.  


  1. It made the top of the pile! You could have been relegated to 3rd place.

  2. Glass half full take on it. Good one.
