Saturday, December 20, 2014

The power of prayer

Yesterday I remembered it was the third Saturday of the month and therefore Yungaburra market day.  I felt I was falling into life here, knowing the market days; Malanda markets is the second Saturday and Atherton the first.
     Yungaburra hosts the Tablelands' largest monthly markets.  It was good fortune as it afforded me the last opportunity to buy small gifts for the big day.  Actually, it was my only opportunity since I'd planned to boycott presents being repulsed by the commercial nature of Christmas ... but I relented under pressure from Kibby and Seffy and complaints they will be the only children not to have presents.   
     As I jumped in the shower, eating peanut butter toast, I shouted out to Seffy.
     ‘Pray for a park so we don’t have to walk far.’
     On the drive there I reminded Seffy to say a prayer for a park.
     When we rounded the bend I saw there were many parking spots.  In fact, I had the pick of all the shady parks.  The power of prayer!
     Not only were there so many parking spaces, there was also a vast expanse of grass where the 250 stalls should have been.  As we drove past the servo, I didn’t miss the sign.  
     I haven't yet worked out the lie of the mainland and the pressing need to check dates and times of events that cannot be reached on foot! 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Santa Claus and the magic zero

I just read on The Drum that earlier this week, Kitty Flanagan, a guest on The Project (had to Google that one) disclosed to viewers Santa ‘doesn’t even exist.’  Parents took to Twitter and Facebook to condemn the program for spoiling their children’s Christmas joy.  There was even an article in The Age titled ‘How The Project ruined Christmas for many families.’
     Here are some tweets.  Naturally, the critical Facebook posts have been removed from The Project's profile.
@theprojecttv you're a disgrace. Now I can't watch my fav news program without fear of what might be said while my kids are in the room!

@theprojecttv have only just got my kids to sleep.Tears,heartbreak & questions re Santa tonight.Appalled and very angry - can't fix this one

Here’s how The Project repaired the damage on Facebook.

Dear Mums and Dads,
Last night’s comments by Kitty were completely unplanned and we unreservedly apologise for upsetting our family viewers.
Last night was Kitty’s final performance for the year on The Project but neither she nor our show would intentionally offend kids like this just before Christmas.
Tonight we will be crossing to Santa in the North Pole so he can clear up any confusion for our younger viewers.
Best regards,
The Project
     First I wondered why children would be watching such a program and secondly, why parents don’t complain as fiercely about coarse language, moderate violence and sexual references endemic in PG films and programs, for example Home and Away.  
     Finally, I decided those parents were stupid if they couldn’t calm their distressed child by simply saying, ‘Honey, that women gets paid to tell jokes.  Don’t listen to her twaddle.’ 
     Then I remembered I had already spoiled this Christmas for a class of eleven year-olds. And like The Project, I was quick to make amends the following day.
     Not long ago I was teaching two-digit multiplication and not sure what students knew and could do, I went back to the beginning.  They all understood the first step, multiplying the one (place value) in a two-digit sum, for example, 26 x 15, they successfully multiplied 26 by 5. 
     ‘What do I do now?’
     ‘Add the magic zero,’ most of them said.
     ‘The what?’  I've long believed the magic zero in maths is worse than the Santa conspiracy.
     ‘The magic zero!’ Students jumped from their seats.  ‘The magic zero!’
     Of course, I asked about this magic zero and they stared at me.  
     Eventually, one studious girl gathered enough courage to say, ‘you put the magic zero in the ones column.’
     ‘But why?’ I asked and was met with blank faces, even that of the studious girl.
     I explained the next step is multiplying by a number with a place value of 10 and the multiple  indeed has this fabulous, but not-so-magic 0 on the end of it.  I got them to answer sums I scribbled on the white board.
     ‘See, there’s nothing magic going on,’ I said.
     ‘But we’ve been taught it’s a magic zero.’
     ‘Ah, I said.  It’s a bit like,’ and I paused, calculating the average age of the students, 11 and certain no one at 11 could possibly believe in Santa I continued.  ‘It’s a bit like Santa.  He’s magic when you’re young, but when you grow up you learn Santa is not real.  The magic zero seems amazing and magic until you work out multiplying a whole number by 10 means the last digit must be a zero. It’s simple.’
     It was simple. No one accused me of heresy and most students successfully completed a series of two-digit algorithms.   
     It was one of my most successful maths lessons.  It really was simple until ….
     Until … the next day in the same class I received a phone call from the deputy principal, DP.
     ‘I’ve just had a call from an angry parent claiming you told her daughter yesterday Santa wasn’t real.’
     ‘Yes, of course and I told the class the magic zero wasn’t real.’  I explained what had happened.
     The DP, who I think is wonderful and understood my predicament (she also condemned the magic zero), related the parent’s concern. The daughter had come home in tears because Mrs Titasey said Santa wasn’t real (the not-so-magic zero disclosure wasn’t a problem, thankfully).
     ‘A parent needs to break the news about Santa,’ said the DP.
     Of course, I had to reverse the damage.  I found the child, outlined my comments were not true and Santa was is, in fact, very real and apologised profusely.
     The poor love, bit on her lower lip and gazed at me with saucer shaped eyes.  Eventually she nodded with relief and ran out to little lunch.
     I was stressed. I had probably caused serious psychological damage to the rest of the class for years to come.  I’d had my first parent complaint.  My teaching career was over thanks to a fictitious fat man in a red and white suit who lives in the North Pole!  Outside I found a teacher I had relieved for and confessed my crime.
     ‘Have I really screwed up?’
     ‘Don’t worry about it,’ she laughed.  ‘Mind, you, you won’t get more teaching work here.’  She saw my panic.  ‘I’m only joking. Seriously don’t worry about it.’  She doubled over laughing. ‘It’s just that it’s so funny.’
     In the staffroom, the DP and principal had a great giggle about what I’d be getting from Santa at Christmas and for a few days, I was the butt of very funny Santa jokes.
     In eighteen months of teaching, I can honestly say that the one thing I taught that was absorbed and demonstrated accurately was my disclosure about Santa.  Nothing else has been so readily understood.
     So why don’t kids lap up all the good stuff they hear in class or see on screens?
     Buggered if I know, but I have been on tenterhooks every time I’ve entered a classroom.  Correcting the spoiler won't always work so well and I don’t have the resources to arrange a video link with Santa in the North Pole like The Project.  Who cares, really?  I need to find a job working with adults.  

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

After the BuyBack expedition!

The day after the BuyBack expedition. Thanks, Pippa Jane.
My Brilliant Career, my most-treasured find - a classic pre-loved by Belinda Macklin, Amanda Krieg, Chris Lansan and someone Feeney (the part of the cover bearing Miss or Master Feeney's christian name had been chewed to oblivion). Parts of the text had been underlined, circled and anotated, my most favourite kind of book.
The close-up.
Two days after the BuyBack expedition.
The Gisele Bundchen envrionmentally friendly flip-flop, destined to become landfill. Its mate was so badly mauled it needed to be swept up.
Five days after the BuyBack expedition.
No more trips to the BuyBack for the Titaseys!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Other folks' trash is one family's treasure!

It's Saturday morning.  Welcome to the Tableland Regional Council Waste Management Facility.
Uncle Steve is introducing the Titasey family to the delights of the Endeavour Foundation BuyBack.  Ever wondered where children's plastic vehicles end up?
The final resting place of colourful plaster gnomes and other garden statues.
We'd never been to a Recycle Market and I didn't want to miss recording this special event.  
Books and toys galore.
Sutchy won't need to take other people's bags now and Uncle Steve's crook neck will heal with this ergonomic chair.
I have always wondered why Morning Glory grows near rubbish dumps.
Some of our treasures.  Note the bamboo shoe shelf and brand new Gisele Bundchen Ipanema flipflops.  They are made from a low-carbon-footprint material, apparently.  I can't wait to get into some of those books, especially My Brilliant Career.
Before the BuyBack shoe shelf.
After the BuyBack shoe shelf.
A great morning and we can't wait to go back.  I am wondering how I can construct my own brilliant career as a reviewer of pre-loved books!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Stop whinging and get on with it!

There’s a saying, Evil exists when good men do nothing.  The evil of gender inequality was fought by women of the sixties and seventies during the second wave of feminism.  I have always considered myself a feminist because I believe women should enjoy the same rights and opportunities as men.  However Julie Bishop’s claim recently she is not a feminist and telling women to ‘stop whingeing, get on with it and prove them wrong’ confused me and brought back some unsavoury memories.
     I began my articles in 1990 and was surprised the legal profession was more male oriented than I had anticipated despite many female professionals.  The discrimination presented as an entrenched practice, but maybe it was just a small group of cocky males in one firm, desperate to stroke their egos. I recall bloke-only drinks and male staff being given premium desks and offices over female staff of the same experience.  I left them to it and got on with working.
     However, I wasn't comfortable with boss regularly whistling to get my attention and that of the other female staff members.  It was the same single sharp whistle one uses to call a dog to its master.  Ironically, an Articled Clerk is articled to his or her Master!. 
     Countless times I was working at my desk and I was jerked to attention by the whistle then, ‘Oi, Catherine, get in here.’
     He didn’t whistle for male solicitors or clerks.  He called out for them by name in a respectful tone. 
     Nor did he yell at the male clerks and solicitors with enough force to turn his face radish-red.  He spoke to them in a calm or terse voice, depending on the circumstances.
     We females banded together to support each other, a sort of sisterhood.  There was only one rule; DON”T CRY IN FRONT OF THE BOSS. 
     We suffered the screaming, the flying spittle, the gouged comments on our draft letters and court documents - BULLCRAP! - with subservient politeness, and if necessary, explained his misunderstanding in which case he’d mutter, ‘Okay then’ and shove the document to us indicating we should leave.  And if we were feeling emotional and verbally assaulted, we hurried to the toilets in such fashion that members of the sisterhood followed.  Only when we stood at the sink on the other side of two doors did we allow ourselves to weep.
     ‘He’s such an arsehole.’
     ‘He got it wrong.’
     ‘He just jumped to another fucking conclusion without reading the whole document.’
     ‘There, there,’ our sisters cooed, ‘it’s all right.’
     At no point did any of us (and those before us) think to challenge the man and demand equal respect, that was, he speak in a calm and rational voice.
     One day, a female staff member burst into tears when he was berating her loud enough for the entire floor to hear.  She rushed, hysterical from his office to the toilets and as the terms of the sisterhood decreed, we followed her.
     Instead of listening to her sob out her humiliation, we stood over her in disbelief.
     ‘You’re not supposed to cry.’
     ‘For God’s sake, couldn’t you hold it in?’
     Afterwards I was disgusted with myself for promoting repulsive behaviour.
     I wearied of my boss's manner and of the roving hands of a male colleague (I was told, ‘oh, he just does that to some of the new female clerks’).  Eventually I'd had enough. I had cried torrents in the privacy of the toilets and my home, never once breaching the oath of the sisterhood.  I had got on with my job, but it was humiliating and dispiriting.  I hated my work environment and the law and I saw no capacity for change.  There was one solution.
     I went to a male solicitor, kind and wise and announced I was resigning.  When he asked why, I said what I’d said before to this effect; I was sick of the discrimination, others could tolerate things if they chose, but I wasn’t interested and if discrimination was condoned in the legal profession, well, there wasn’t hope for the rest of the working world.  Of course I never mentioned the man who had groped me because I wasn't a victim.  Ms Bishop also advised women, 'Please do not let it get to you and do not become a victim because it is only a downward spiral once you have cast yourself as a victim.' 
     I expected the man to say, ‘Good on you!’  However, he leaned back in his chair and said, ‘As a woman, anything you do, you have to do it twice as well as a man.’
     I remembered studying Animal Farm in year 12 (still one of my favourite books). Napoleon the pig and comrades rewrite the seven commandments to their benefit, ‘All animals are equal except some animals are more equal than others.’
     Of course! Men were more equal.  We were half as equal and so had to try twice as hard.  It had mathematical certainty.  I got it.  Then I got on with it, I didn’t whinge and I proved them wrong.  At my farewell, one of the men said, ‘At first we thought you were a bit of a wild child, but you turned out to be a good kid.’
     I reckon I did Julie Bishop proud.  I just got on with my job, but I also perpetuated gender discrimination the women of the sixties and seventies had fought so hard to abolish.  I was a good man who did nothing.  

Sunday, November 23, 2014

That dress

I found the most beautiful dress at the Atherton Salvation Army store, a discreet, Jersey  frock in jade green.  It was four dollars.  I saw it on the rack and I thought, That dress was made for me.  I’ve always preferred singlets and shorts, but now I am a mainlander, I am trying to pick up my appearance act.
      At 46, I am conscious of the need to dress more sensitively than 20 years ago.  There are wrinkles and dimples and an unavoidable softness to my body that I want to conceal.
     That dress crossed all the middle-aged hurdles; Knee length, low waist, loose skirt, a cross-over and fitting top, but not tight and cap sleeves.
     What better dress to wear when heading to the big smoke,Cairns!  I let my long hair out and dabbed on a bit of lipstick.
     ‘What do you think?’ I asked Tony as I twirled for him.
     ‘S’all right,’ he muttered with a lingering grimace and turned back to the breakfast dish washing.
     ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
     He repeated ‘s’all right’ and actually thought I would let the matter rest.
     ‘Please explain,’ I said unable to avoid my voice whining.
     ‘Well,’ he paused as if trying to work out how long and painful his death was going to be,’ ‘it makes you look old.’
     I decided to let the matter rest and drove to Cairns  with Seffy for Pippa Jane to be desexed. TK and girlfriend Brittney followed in her car. Brittney is 19, from Melbourne and has that capital city chic; bit of makeup, attention to hair, clothes that need ironing and shoes that aren't slip-on. Today she wore a tight sleeveless striped number that was short, as in very short.  She looked stunning.
     When I got to Bubu’s house, she was making coffee. We all piled in, desperate for a feed and coffee.
     ‘Where did you get that dress?’ said Bubu, not with a lingering grimace, but a full-on one.
     ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
     ‘Dad reckons she looks old,’ said TK eagerly awaiting a McKenna ‘discussion,' the kind with raised voices.
     ‘You do.  It’s awful,’ said Bubu.  ‘It’s what a young girl would wear.’
     ‘Mum,’ I said, that whine creeping in again, ‘young girls don’t wear this stuff.  They wear that.’  I pointed to Brittney.’
     Mum carried her coffee to the lounge and sat down. ‘Save it for wearing at home. That’s what I do with my most unflattering dresses.’  
     Before I could hiss something acerbic and throw in a justified criticism of her stupid dogs, Bubu turned to TK.   'And make sure you burn that dress.'

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Never give up

I spend a disproportionate part of my day keeping in touch with friends by email.
     Why?  I have spent the last 20 years on an island accessible only by air.  I've not been able to afford the fares to see them so email has become an important part of my life.  It's a cheap and timely way of maintaining contact with old friends (pre-TI life) and then my departed TI friends.  Even though I am on the mainland now, I’ve kept up the practice.
     Facebook has been an option, but there’s something about the public nature of the pages and profile, the layout and the limited space for text that unsettles me.
     I love written words and I love the personal nature of individual emails.
     When My Island Homicide was short-listed in the Courier Mail People’s Choice Awards, my first thought was, ‘Shit, I should have got Facebook years ago.’
     If I had been a Facebooker, I’d have a trillion friends and been able to reach them all in an instant.
     So I hacked Tony’s rarely used Facebook profile/account/page (?) and after three days, worked out how to upload a photo and the link to the voting page for the awards.  I reached a few of his and my friends.
     Then another hurdle emerged.  I realised I have some serious competition; real writers.  They are the other short-listed authors whose works (plural) have been read by thousands, no, hundreds of thousands of people. I shared my dismay with a friend who berated me for the use of the term, ‘real writers’.
     “And stop comparing yourself to ‘real writers.’ You are just as real as they are.”
     I didn’t feel as real.
     Below her signature panel was a William Blake poem, Eternity.
  He who binds to himself a joy
  Doth the winged life destroy,
  But he who kisses joy as it flies,
  Lives in eternity’s sunrise.
     I shot back a reply:
  To writing’s joy I hath bound
  No harder pursuit to be found.
  Bugger the kissing of things a’flying
  I must write or I’ll die trying.
     I’ll die trying.  I remembered a poster affixed to the window of a Mossman fish and chip shop in 1993.  
     Not giving up meant attempting to reach, without Facebook or any social media app/device/program (?), people who might vote for my book. 
     And I’d have to do it by individual email.  Perish the thought of group emails.  They are impersonal and rude unless advising the change of venue for a sausage sizzle or the date for a book club meeting.  Or an emergency.  I’d feel dreadful contacting someone after years with a request to vote for my book and no other news.  
     Nope! I don’t do group emails.
     Then I realised I have something my competitors don’t have.  
     I have time.
     I don’t have a real writing job or a regular job for that matter. 
     I have time; time to email friends and interesting people and kindred spirits Tony and I had met over the years.  I'd been in email contact with them for a while until, with the increasing chaos of my life and probably their's, the emails dried up.
     What a delight these last few days have been.  Re-establishing contact with wonderful people who have touched our lives.  I shared not just news of the Courier Mail awards, but Titasey titbits from the past few years.
     And the best part has been receiving their news. 
     I have spent a disproportionate part of these days emailing old friends and reading emails from them.
     I don't have the professional or social contacts to win these awards, but I’ve had a bloody good time trying!

Monday, November 17, 2014

ADSL anxiety

I’ve been mulling over making a commitment to an internet service provider, colloquially known as an ISP. It’s the biggest decision I’ve ever had to make and I have already spent the equivalent of days contemplating bundles and bytes, plans and ports, credits and contracts, downloads and data.  I have ADSL anxiety. I didn’t spend any time contemplating my marriage.
     One of the problems is this; I am paralysed by the choice, even in regional Atherton which has limited ‘ports’. 
     ‘Catherine,’ said John in his heavy Indian accent, ‘can I call you Catherine? There are a limited number of ports available in your exchange.  I can sign you up now, but I cannot guarantee they’ll be available this afternoon.’
     Said Maddy, in her Indian accent, ‘once the ports are taken there is no possibility of accessing the network. I can take a few details now …’
     Nadine and Mike, coincidentally with Indian accents, said the same.
     The ports were still available over a week later.
     Distinguishing between the products is difficult, except for what Telstra has on offer.  How is it the corporation owning the hardware cannot offer a product competitive with what is offered by companies leasing its hardware; iprimus, Dodo, Optus, Westnet and iiNet (the same companies, different products), TPG and internode?
     Another problem I am facing is the inadequacy I feel when John or Nadine are pushing me to buy the Unlimited Download plan.
    What on earth can the average person do with unlimited downloads.  On TI we never reached out monthly allowance of 20 GB. 
     BTW, it’s not pronounced gigabytes, but geebee if you want to sound like you have a vague idea of the issue!
     For the non-IT worker, unlimited downloads or even 50 geebee a month is surely the way to an exceptionally sedentary and unhealthy life. 
     ‘But I just want broadband,’ I’ve said, my voice squeaky with confusion.
     Despite not knowing what a gamer is I told them I am not one of those.  And please stop telling me unlimited, high-speed internet is the way of the future.  I am in the present.  I don't care NBN is coming to my region and I can upgrade.
     Do you know what I want broadband for?  So my kids can learn on Mathletics.       
     Unfortunately, mobile phone internet cannot support the graphics of the program (flash technical term, not my own).
      The over-arching conundrum was asphyxiating me; I couldn’t find a program just right for us. There were either too many downloads, the ISP won’t quantify the connection fee BEFORE I enter the 24 month contract or the 1.5 embee per second (a cheaper plan) might be too slow and this will only be revealed after I have entered a 24 month contract. Or there were no calls included in the landline facility or the plan was simply too bloody expensive.
     I needed broadband benzos to keep going.  
     Until today.  The only plausible commitment came to me as an epiphany. Bugger high-speed broadband.  Slow and stingy mobile phone internet rules.  The ISPs can shove my business up their collective cloacas. I’m gonna keep doing things the old fashioned way.  I’ll teach my kids maths and they can read books instead of watch movies. And we’ll all spend time together, in the garden, around the dinner table or out adventuring.
     Now I know why I didn’t spend time contemplating marriage to Tony.  There was no choice.  He was the only one. Awww. And I get to spend more time with him while we stay off the broadband bandwagon. 
     It's a bit like the old days with Telecom.  There was only one communication provider, we made it work and were satisfied most of the time. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Eggs on toast for dinner?

I can't wait for Tony to return.  I'm sick of having to make dinner.
     The problem is I've become so used to him doing all the shopping and cooking, I've not only forgotten I need to do it, I can't be bothered.  In the pantry, there are still quite a few cans of baked beans, red kidney beans and chick peas, at least a month worth of dinners.  We have greens in the garden and a steady supply of chook and duck eggs.  
     Food doesn't interest me except insofar as the kids need a healthy diet ... or a tantalising Italian experience!
     In Tony's absence, dinner had mostly been eggs on toast for the kids, preceded by some chick peas or carrot sticks or frozen peas (courtesy of the ducks).  Add a glass of milk and choc-hazelnut spread on rice thins for dessert and I've created a delicious meal of all five food groups.
     My culinary short-cuts have been wearing thin with the children.  Friday night was eggs on toast.  Saturday night's gnocchi was a disaster, granted.  I then saved the day with eggs on toast.  Sunday night, more eggs on toast.  Monday night. 
     Well, I forgot dinner on Monday night.  I remembered at nine when I was making the kids' lunches and was light-headed and shaky (hypoglycaemic?).  Kibby had been home sick and we'd had lunch, eggs on toast, just before Seffy came home. She'd had nothing since lunch.
     I rushed into Seffy's dark room and asked if she wanted some eggs on toast.
     'It's okay, Mum,' she said, her voice thick with sleep, 'I had a carrot.'
     I was relieved, She had eaten something since lunch.
     The following morning Seffy and I were making a cup of tea.
     'I like it when Dad's here,' she said.
     'He makes us dinner.'

Monday, November 10, 2014

Lost: Parenting manual

If anyone has borrowed my parenting manual, please return it.  I actually don’t remember what it looks like, but I must have had one because I use all the right instructions and for the most part, issue them in a calm and controlled voice. 
     Things are spiralling out of control without Tony here and last night’s episode reminded me I need some help.  It was like this:
     Seffy was sitting on the floor reading a greeting card.  An altercation broke out between her and Kibby, nothing unusual, but Kibby kicked at the card, knocking it from Seffy’s hands.
     “That’s not okay,” I said in my stern parenting-manual voice.  “Go to your room.”    Sage advice also from the parenting manual; time-out diffuses emotionally charged situations.
     Kibby pursed his lips and delivered another kick to Seffy’s card.
     “Right, that means no Minecraft tomorrow.”  An immediate and relevant consequence according to the manual.
     Kibby sneered, not unlike those gangsters on movie ads and bellowed.  
     I waited for the pistol.  Instead Kibby marched to his room and slammed the door, the crack of splintering wood echoing off the plaster walls.
     “Mum," said Seffy when all was silent.  "He’s got anger management issues. He needs to see someone.”
     So if anyone has my parenting manual or a spare copy, I’d really appreciate it.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Through the stomach to the heart

Seffy and Kibby have weathered a few changes lately and it’s showed in their behaviour. Seffy has been extra short-tempered with Kibbim and me. Kibbim has been full of anger which is what happens when his father is away for too long. Tony was visiting Grandma a fair bit before she passed.  He is now in Townsville supporting TK, who is devastated about Grandma, through his exams. 
     I wanted to do something special for the kids on the weekend and everyone knows reaching someone’s heart is best done through their stomach.  What better way to say ‘I love you’ than cooking them a delicious meal, pesto gnocchi, made from scratch.  I can do foodie food.  I went through a foodie stage in the early 2000s.  In fact I own original editions of Stephanie Alexander’s, A Cook’s Companion and Madhur Jaffrey’s, Indian Cookery.  
      I should confess that Steph and Maddie’s tomes spent more supporting my pastel painting boards than being used for recipes, but I did put them to their proper use for a while.  In fact, I made my first and only batch of gnocchi from Steph’s recipe back in 2001.  A Cook’s Companion is still downstairs, with Indian Cookery amongst five cubic metres of boxed-up stuff and I had no intention of finding them.  This time round I Googled ‘gnocchi’ and scribbled the first recipe that flashed on the screen.
     In the glare of the early afternoon sun, I scrubbed (no time for peeling) and steamed the potato.  I used a bit more potato than the kilo the recipe advised, but I wasn’t sure how many kilos more.  I wanted more than just one meal, maybe two. 
     I was ready to spend the next hour with my darlings and I called the kids in.  However, Kibby was riding with his friend, Leroy from down the street and Seffy was reading on the back deck.  I have dreamed for years about my kids reading without being threatened so I wasn’t going to disturb her ...  unless there was an emergency. 
     While I waited for the spuds to steam, I made the pesto from memory of Stephanie Alexander's recipe.  It wasn’t ideal, but I’d run out of Home Brand parmesan and it was a bit heavy on the cashews so I had to make do with the resulting green substance.  Apparently, pesto is Italian for paste and I had a paste.
     Next I blended the locally grown potato and fresh duck eggs (what an earth mother, am I!) and sifted in flour ... a lot more than the one and a half cups the recipe called for, but again, I was making a couple of meals.  I know I used a one kilogram packet plus more than half of a three kilo packet which wasn’t really enough to make a kneadable dough, but I’d run out of flour.
     Still, I had something that resembled dough.  I started rolling it into sausages then cut and squashed the pieces with a fork.
Gnocchi snags.
     I don’t know how many hours I had spent getting to the point where the gnocchi could be boiled, but there wasn’t much natural light left in the day.
     After I boiled a few loads (and yes, they first sank then rose to the surface as the recipe proclaimed), I called for Seffy.  This was an emergency.  My lower back and legs were aching.  And there was a lot of dough left to be sausaged.
     I rolled and chopped and squashed, Seffy boiled and scooped.  This went on like a bad dream.  She kept disappearing to paint her nails (???), play with Pippa, check Pepper’s new baby.  I kept screaming at her to come back and help.  From the front deck I hollered a few times for Kibby, but he must have been at Leroy’s.  He knows when to vanish.
Enough for a month's meals!
     Kibby and Leroy and his sister came in after dark just as Seffy scooped the last batch of gnocchi from the bubbling boil.  Kibby and co settled in front of the computer and played Minecraft.  Seffy abandoned her kitchen duties, fitted the earphones and switched on the flat screen for New Tricks.  All was quiet on the home front.
     I proudly presented everyone with a piece of gnocchi and offered them dinner.
     “Yuck!”  Kibby spat into his hand and hurled the sticky lump out the window.
     “It’s nice,” Leroy’s sister said in a monotone.  “But no thank you, I’m not hungry.”
     “I’m not hungry either, thank you,” said Leroy.
      Seffy kindly accepted my offer.
The green paste is not unlike Pepper's waste after her nightly bowl of peas.
     As I was serving Seffy’s pesto gnocchi, Kibby started laughing.
     “Mum, Leroy started eating and then spat it in his hand and chucked it out the window.”
     It turns out his sister did the same.  I offered Kibby and his friends eggs on toast which they wolfed down.  Dessert was Home Brand choc hazelnut paste on four day old bread.  Later, I found Seffy's bowl on the bench, my labour of love untouched, cold and congealed.  All four children were content before the two screens.
     The way to my children’s hearts is through their screens.

Pepper Zen's new baby!

The stork arrived with this adorable, fluffy bundle. Wondering where the orange bill and webbed feet are?  It is an Austrolorp chick, hatched from fertilised eggs.  Mother and chick doing well.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Ina Titasey: Farewelled 1 November, St Monica's Cathedral, Cairns

Ina Titasey (nee Mills) 
6 September, 1927, Poruma (Coconut Island) – 24 October, 2014, Cairns

Ina Mills made a surprise entry into the world when she was delivered by Aka Alala shortly after the birth of her twin, Cessa on Poruma, 6 September, 1927.  Ina’s parents, Frank and Masalgi Mills (nee Paiwain) returned home to Naghir Island and to older brother, Alfie.  Over the years, the Mills brood grew to include Wrench, Sammy, Laura, nicknamed Lala, Rita, Benny and Ruth known as Neneh.  Sadly, a daughter, Ruth was stillborn in about 1941.
     Ina led an idyllic life on Naghir, surrounded by the large Mills family.  Although Cessa was raised by her Aka Neru, the twins were close.  Ina spent her earliest days gardening, fishing and playing with her cousins and siblings.  Cessa was always by her side.
     In her memoir, Ina’s Story, Ina recalled a treasured memory.  “After gardening, we’d go back to the house and sit with Mama, with the young ones like Lala and Sammy on her lap.  I loved resting my head on Mama’s lap for her to comb my hair.  Then it was Cessa’s turn for get her hair combed.  Then Lala would crawl up for some susu before falling asleep at the breast, the rest of us leaning against Mama.  Mama’s lap was big enough to take all of us, and her arms seemed long enough to reach around us all.”
At five and a half, Ina couldn’t imagine a life that didn’t involve her island, her family and her Mama’s warm embrace and loving hands.  But in March, 1933, Ina, Cessa and Alfie, found themselves, quite suddenly on Thursday Island after sailing with their father in the family lugger, Cessa.  What Ina thought was going to be a short adventure to TI became a nightmare when her father left and then Alfie was taken away.
     In an instant, Ina’s world was transformed.  Where there had been blue skies, there were ceilings.  Where there had been rainforest and coconut palms, there were walls of plaster and concrete.  What had been reef and sand was now polished wood and stone.  Garden produce like maniotha (cassava) and kumula (sweet potato) and seafood like fish, shellfish and sugu (octopus) was replaced with stale bread and tasteless soup.
     Ina recounted a life of hard work and starvation and conditions that today would amount to abuse and neglect such as bed bugs, kerosene tin chamber pots, once-weekly baths and  constant chores such as polishing the wooden floors, cooking and washing clothes.  At all times, Cessa was with her.
Yet at no time is Ina critical of the hardship she endured for nine years.  On the contrary, she was thankful to the nuns for her education, the discipline and the skills they taught her such as sewing and drafting, cleaning, music and cooking.  What could have been a lifelong source of resentment was a treasure trove of opportunities for Ina to learn.
     Ina says, “I came to love learning and school and I wanted to learn, to know all kinds of things.  I was big eye, excited, hungry for learn.  I came to see learning as an escape from the trap that the convent was.  I might have been stuck inside the convent grounds, but in my mind I could imagine anything.”
Few people know that Ina Mills was a talented writer who won a cup for the John Batman essay writing competition and this was reported in The Courier Mail on Friday, 6 June, 1941.
     Ina welcomed the invasion of Pearl Harbour in 1941 for it meant the evacuation of all civilians from TI.  Ina and Cessa and the Mills girls at the convent on TI (sisters, Lala and Rita and cousins, Thelma and Elsie) and her brothers, Alfie, Wrench and Sammy on Hammond Island sailed for Naghir on 16 December, 1941.
     The threat of the Japanese bombing inhabited islands was so great the Mills family abandoned the village and established new dwellings in the bush, unseen by air.  Between 1942 and 1943 Horn Island was bombed eight times.  Ina remembers seeing Japanese and American planes overhead and being able to differentiate between the sounds of the engines; the oo-oo-oo of the plane with the red circle  and the mosquito-like buzz of the plane with the stars and stripes.  It was about two years before the family returned to the village and during that time, Ina went to Mabuiag Island with her heavily pregnant, Mama.  Ina remembers this time fondly, her mother’s company and the birth of her youngest sister, Ruth, nicknamed Neneh.
     Ina’s father sent her to Badu in early 1945 to train as a nurse.  However, months later, he insisted she return to Naghir months  to care for her ailing mother.
     Tragically, Ina’s mother passed away in September, 1945 and Ina threw herself into working for her father in the store and caring for her younger siblings, especially young Neneh whom she adored. 
     Not long after Mama’s death, Ina remembers pausing during her chores and sitting near her mother’s grave.  Ina felt her mother next to her and her hand stroking her head, “the way she used to when I laid my head in her lap.” Then Ina heard Mama talking.
     “Never mind. Somebody from long way go come take yu.”
     Ina was confused.  Hearing her mother’s voice was one thing, but Ina didn’t know anyone who’d come from afar and she forgot about her mother’s prediction.  All she knew was that, as the oldest daughter, her duty was to look after her father and her siblings.
     In early 1948 Ina’s father married a young woman, Gebi Blanket from Badu and Gebi became a mother-figure for Neneh which pleased Ina.  This also meant Ina had more time to work in the store doing the books and maintaining the stores.  Ina then had a different life: a life that wasn’t bound by the duty to care for her father and family.
     At this time, Ina began corresponding with the Malay skipper of the lugger, Kestrel, Henry Titasey.  She wrote letters to him through her sister-in-law, Ella, Alfie’s wife and then Ella wrote letters in reply for Henry because he didn’t speak English.
     Ina finally met Henry on Naghir in 1948.
     “He was Malay and very handsome with his straight hair slicked back.  He looked even more handsome all dressed up in his grey suit.”
     Henry and Ina met later that night, in secret, so Ina’s father didn’t know.
     “Yu go stop here,” whispered Henry, “and I go get yu.”
Soon after, Frank Mills sent his twin daughters to TI and they started working at See Hops.  At this time, Ina and Henry began courting and they were married on Naghir in May, 1949.
     It wasn’t until Ina was settled back on TI and Henry had gone to sea for the neap that Ina remembered her mother’s words.
     “She was right. Somebody from Indonesia came and took me to TI.”
     After giving birth to Ellie Joan, Ina and Henry bought 10 Pearl Street and then Martha and Tinus were born.  In late 1952, Henry was struck down with tuberculosis and was quarantined at the TB hospital, the present site of Star of the Sea Aged Home.  Ina had no income and had to support three children and maintain a house.
     The Department of Native Affairs noted on Ina’s file she was “destitute” and the Director appealed to the authorities for help.  However, as a non-Australian, Henry was not entitled to a Tuberculosis Allowance or an Invalid Pension. 
     In 1956, Ina’s younger brother, Benny died tragically when diving for kabar (trochus) off Bowen.  Later that year, Cathy Ella was born.  A few years later, Tony were born then Margaret and Ann-Maree joined the family.  It wasn’t complete until Ricky arrived in 1972.
     At all times, Cessa was living at the other end of town with husband, Tommy Nakata and their children and the twins saw each other daily.
      In the early seventies, Ina’s father suffered a stroke on Entrance Island where he and Mama Gebi lived.  The couple then moved into the flat under 10 Pearl Street.
     By this time, Ina, Cessa and Rita had started singing at the Grand Hotel and that led to nights at the Torres Hotel.  They were a popular attraction for their songs and their trademark colourful island dresses, bead necklaces and flowers in their hair.  They sang country and western, golden oldies, war time tunes and island songs, music to appeal to all people. 
     They started out as The Singing Grandmas and became The Mills Sisters when scouted at the Brisbane Expo in 1988, the same year Frank Mills died, aged 88.  Rita’s husband, Brett Tyrell became their manager and they sang at folk festivals and even toured New Zealand, England and France.  In 1995, The Mills Sisters retired, the same year they won the Red Ochre Award.
     Always, Ina supported herself earning an income sewing island dresses. She was known as one of the best dressmakers in the Torres Strait.  She sewed her sisters’, daughters’ and friends’ wedding and bridesmaids’ dresses along with those of many other women.  Ina had a special ability to see a dress or shirt and create it without a pattern. 
     Ina lost her sister, Rita in December, 2005, brothers Alfie in January, 2005, Sammy in May, 2012 and Wrench in January, 2014.
     Ina has always been grateful to Mama Gebi for enabling her the freedom to marry and raise her own family rather than remaining on Naghir caring for her father.
     For years, Ina wanted her story to be written.  In late 2010, daughter-in-law, Cate, applied for a grant to record Ina’s memoir.  Before Ina and Cate knew about the grant decision, Ina was rushed to Townsville for heart surgery and for a few days, her prognosis was uncertain.  Her fighting spirit pulled her through and as soon as she was transferred back to TI hospital, Cate, with her computer, was waiting in the ward to start typing her story.  The result, Ina’s Story: The Memoir of a Torres Strait Islander, was published in April 2012, fulfilling Ina’s dream.
     Ina lived a quiet life at 10 Pearl Street till September, 2013 when she moved to Cairns and lived with her best friend, Geraldine Kirk.  After six months Ina moved into her own villa at Coral Sea Gardens, Westcourt and really appreciated the time she spent with her grand daughters, Ashlea and Nikki.  She loved having visitors, especially her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
     Sadly, Ina was diagnosed with secondary lung cancer on 20 August and immediately her family, from near and far, were by her side.  Ina was initially in a share ward, but the laughing and singing from her visiting family prompted the nurses to move her into her own ward.  Ina was in hospital for almost six weeks before being transferred to the Mary Potter Nursing Home and then settling in the Bethlehem Home for the Aged.
Since Ina fell ill, Cessa visited her every day and younger sisters, Lala and Ruth (Neneh) visited when possible.  Her daughter Ann-Maree was a huge support for       Ina, attending to all administrative matters while working full-time and caring for her youngest children, Lachlan and Chey, all while partner Greg Kirk negotiated work on TI and visits to Cairns to see his family.  Nikki was always by her grandmother’s side, attending to her needs, yarning with her, being there.
      Ina - mother, sister, aunty, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother and friend -  passed away on 24 October, 2014.
     She was a great woman who will be missed always and remembered forever. 
      In the same way as Ina’s mother’s lap was large enough to hold all her children and her arms long enough to embrace them all, Ina’s smile touched everyone she and her enthusiasm for life and her love for her family and friends had no limits.